Passing on May 4th Fire to Show Your Honor

A hundred years of wind and rain, a century of vicissitudes of change. May 4th is the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement. In order to commemorate the May 4th Movement, remember the May 4th Movement pioneers, carry forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement, along the correct road pursued by the May 4th Movement, unremitting efforts and continuous struggle, we launched the theme of “inheriting the May 4th Fire to show the King’s demeanor “.

The May 4th Movement, in the eyes of Chinese youth from generation to generation, is a sacred and respectful event, like a burning torch, like a loud and loud horn, always inspiring the hearts of young people and guiding the way forward.640.webp (17)640.webp (11)

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Four Deng Taihua is the tradition of our company, the company’s party branch, League branch, micro-love public welfare square and other organizations as well as young staff representatives to respond positively, enthusiastic participation, fully carry forward our youth aggressive, brave to explore, unity and cooperation spirit.

Climbing the top of the mountain, overlooking the distant mountains, surging, down the mountain on the way, the company’s young volunteers pick up garbage along the road, to protect a piece of green mountain to do a heart, a contribution. The activities further carry forward the enterprise spirit of “unity, hard work, honesty and tolerance “, and show the positive spirit and outlook of our youth.

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In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, our youth has always focused on the theme of the struggle for the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation Chinese Dream, to the goal of “two hundred years” unremitting struggle, showing new achievements.

Post time: Jul-20-2020